Multi-agency Policy and Procedures (Children’s)
A core function of Manchester Safeguarding Partnership is developing procedures and policies for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
Many of the Greater Manchester Procedures have been adopted. Direct access to the Greater Manchester (GM) Safeguarding Children Procedures Manual is available here by clicking the ‘contents’ tab at the left on the link.
Within the new Working Together (2023) it describes the national multi-agency practice standards for child protection. Please read below:
Working Together 2023 Practice Standards
Manchester specific policies, procedures, guidance and toolkits can be accessed below:
Manchester Multi-agency Safeguarding Arrangements (MMASA) 2024
The guidance sets out the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements for Manchester
Manchester Multi-agency Safeguarding Arrangements
MSP Escalation and Resolution Protocol
When working with practitioners across professional disciplines and agencies, at times there will be differences in opinion, concerns about professional practice, or issues in difficulty in communication. This procedure seeks to set out a standard of communication expectations alongside a pathway to resolve or escalate concern.
MSP Escalation and Resolution Protocol
Manchester Interboard Protocol
This protocol outlines the co-operative relationship between the Manchester Safeguarding Partnership (MSP), Manchester Children and Young People’s Board, (MCYPB), the Manchester Community Safety Partnership (MCSP), and the Manchester Health and Wellbeing Board (MHWB), in their joint determination to safeguard and promote the health and wellbeing of children, young people and adults in Manchester
Manchester Interboard Protocol
MSP Complex Safeguarding Strategy
Complex Safeguarding is a term used to describe Criminal Activity (often organised), or behaviour associated with criminality, involving children and adults where there is exploitation and/or a clear or implied safeguarding concern. To download our strategy click the link:
MSP Complex Safeguarding Strategy
MSP Manchester’s Child Neglect Strategy
This strategy seeks to promote a shared understanding of neglect, how it impacts upon children and how multi-agency partners work with families to identify, intervene and support children and families that is consistent across Manchester. Informing how practitioner skills, and, systemic processes will be developed to recognise neglect at the earliest opportunity and provide the most appropriate, timely and joined up response to support early intervention and long lasting change. Download here:
MSP Manchester’s Child Neglect Strategy (2021-2024)
Thresholds Document- Continuum of help and support
Right Intervention- Right Time
This policy document specifically relates to how we can work towards achieving a Safe, Happy, Healthy and Successful future for children and young people through working in partnership to ensure that the right intervention is provided at the right time. Click to download:
Right Intervention- Right Time
Family Led Child Protection Conference Model & Appealing a Child Protection Decision
In Manchester we are committed to delivering a Family Led Child Protection Conference model that empowers parents to be active participants in discussions and decision making about their children. To view the document click to download:
Family Led Child Protection Conference Model- Practice Approach and Standards
In the case that someone wants to appeal a decision made about their children there is a document detailing the policy linked below:
Appealing a Child Protection Decision
MSP Manchester Multi-Agency Pathway for the Management of Perplexing Presentation/Fabrication or Induced Illness
This suite of documents is intended to assist children’s social care and health practitioners in managing the care of children and families when the possibility of fabricated or induced illness/perplexing presentation has been raised. The guidance is to assist the coordination of care between multiple health practitioners and multi-agency working with Children’s Social Care. Click to download:
Memorandum of Understanding between MCC Children’s Services & GMP District Safeguarding Team and Health
The purpose of this MOU is to clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of each party as they relate to the Advice and Guidance Service and multi agency front door delivery
MSP – Interagency Protocol for responding to sexual abuse and harassment, including child on child sexual violence and sexual harassment protocol, in schools and colleges.