Learning from Practice

When a child dies or is seriously harmed as a result of abuse or neglect, a review may be carried out.  Child Practice Reviews (CPR) or Serious Case Reviews (SCR) play a vital role in helping practitioners and organisations to continually improve the way they work, individually or together, to keep children and young people safe and free from harm.

Safeguarding Partnerships (formerly Local Safeguarding Children Boards) have a duty to publish an anonymised version of the Review Report. This will include an overview of the case, the terms of reference, conclusions drawn and any recommendations made.

Reviews are led by an independent reviewer who has no connection to the case, or to the organisations whose actions are being reviewed.

Practitioners involved with the child or family in the case are fully involved in Reviews. They are invited to contribute their perspectives without fear of being blamed for actions they took in good faith.

Families are also invited to contribute to Reviews. We work hard to make clear to them how they are going to be involved and mange their expectations appropriately and sensitively. This is important for ensuring that the child is at the centre of the process.

Review reports are published for a minimum of twelve months; all reports published prior to this should be available from the NSPCC library catalogue

MSP SCR Referral Process

If an individual or agency feels a case should be referred for a Review they should complete the most current version of the Greater Manchester Serious Child Safeguarding Case Notification Form (GM SCSC Notification Form) and partner agencies are asked to contribute any information they may have about the case.  This is then screened by the Case Review Subgroup to determine if it meets the criteria. If you become aware of an incident or case:

  • discuss it with a senior manager and/or your agency Case Review Subgroup member
  • if required, your agency Subgroup member or a senior manager should hold an initial discussion with the MSP Coordinator
  • the Subgroup member or senior manager should complete the GM SCSC Notification Form and submit it MSP

COMPLETED FORMS SHOULD BE SENT TO THE MSP INBOXmanchestersafeguardingpartnership@manchester.gov.uk

All our published reports are stored on our website for one year.  After this we remove the report from our website but keep the 7 minute briefings available for learning purposes.  If you require the full report please contact MSP by email.


Published Reviews:

MSP CSPR Review Child S1 (February 2024)

CSPR final report summary S1 for publication

MSP TSSP Thematic Review Child N B YK (January 2023)

MSP TSSP Thematic Review Report (Published January 2023)

Thematic Literature Review- Appendix 2 (Published January 2023)






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