Safeguarding adults is far more than a set of guidance or procedures; it is all we do in all our work, in our practice, and our communities to prevent abuse and promote the well-being of people with care and support needs. It includes the preventative work of our care and health services, the support of our neighbourhoods and communities, and the actions of every individual who looks out for the welfare of their friends and neighbours.

Here are our Policies, Procedures, Strategies and guidance for Safeguarding Adults:

Manchester Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements (MMASA) 2024

The guidance sets out the Multi-agency Safeguarding arrangements for Manchester

Manchester Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements 

MSP Complex Safeguarding Strategy

Complex Safeguarding is a term used to describe Criminal Activity (often organised), or behaviour associated with criminality, involving children and adults where there is exploitation and/or a clear or implied safeguarding concern.  To download our strategy click the link:

MSP Complex Safeguarding Strategy

MSP Self Neglect & Hoarding Guidance

This guidance is a reference for practitioners responding to situations where self-neglect is evident. It is envisaged that this will provide an understanding of self-neglect in the context of safeguarding adults and aid a proportionate response in accordance with the Care Act 2014.  To download the guidance click the link:

MSP Self Neglect & Hoarding Guidance 2022-25

MSP Managing High Risk Together

The MSP Managing High Risk Together Pathway is to be used in situations where there is a concern that an individual’s lifestyle choices or behaviour are likely to result in serious harm, or even death, and current agency involvement has not been effective in managing the risk.  To download the pathway click here:

MSP Managing High Risk Together

There is also a short training video here:

MSP Persons in Position of Trust (PiPoT)

The Person in a Position of Trust (“PiPoT”) Policy provides a process for investigating allegations that a person in a position of trust has abused their position and how information will be shared.  Click to download:

MSP Persons in Position of Trust Policy

Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Guidance

This document highlights the statutory duties, overall process for running a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR), and how the SABs will commission such work.  Click here to download the guidance:

Adult Practice guidance and toolkit

MSP Escalation and Resolution Protocol

When working with practitioners across professional disciplines and agencies, at times there will be differences in opinion, concerns about professional practice, or issues in difficulty in communication. This procedure seeks to set out a standard of communication expectations alongside a pathway to resolve or escalate concern.

MSP Escalation and Resolution Protocol

MSP Complaints Procedure

The Manchester Safeguarding Boards (MSB) Complaints Protocol outlines the procedure that will be followed when a complaint is made to the Manchester Safeguarding Partnership. The protocol ensures that complaints will be dealt with appropriately, fairly, professionally and sensitively and the responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults will remain paramount.  Click to download the procedure here:

MSP Complaints Procedure

Trust Your Instincts Guidance

Guidance on trusting your instinct if you see or suspect that a child, young person or family is unsafe.  Click here to download the guide:

Trust Your Instincts