Report a Concern
If the situation does not require emergency assistance you should report your concerns to Manchester Contact Centre.
Help for someone being abused or neglected
If an adult or child is in immediate danger you should ring the emergency services or contact the police on 999
If the situation does not require emergency assistance you should report your concerns to:
Manchester Contact Centre
Telephone: 0161 234 5001 (open 24 hours a day, seven days a week)
Even if you’re unsure, report it to us so that we can check. You can report your concerns anonymously if you want.
Manchester safeguarding contacts:

Training Opportunities
In progress.
Latest News & Events

AFRUCA Training Course: Cultural & Religious Influences in Safeguarding Children in Black and Ethnic Communities
Violence Reduction Unit: Education Hive
How to keep your baby safe and warm this winter
Safeguarding CPD Workshops
In collaboration with GM University and Local Authority partners, Greater Manchester Social Work Academy are sharing online practice research CPD events for Social Work practitioners, students and academics across Greater Manchester. Each workshop will focus on Safeguarding issues across Children’s and Adults social work, bringing together the research and highlighting practice points Safeguarding CPD Workshops
FREE Spring 2025 Homeless PIE Training Course