Partners in Care and Health (LGA and ADASS) have created self-assessment tool intended to support councils on their work surrounding discriminatory abuse. This tool aims to:

  • support better identification, reporting and analysing of discriminatory abuse;
  • to encourage awareness of bias and challenge discriminatory abuse in their practice;
  • develop processes and policies on tackling discriminatory abuse;
  • and embed good practice to deliver good equality outcomes for people who have care and support needs.

Join us on Thursday, 21st of September for a lunch and learn session where you can find out more about using the tool; ask questions about how to approach the self-assessment tool; continue a programme of work or rethink how you are working.

As a part of the discriminatory abuse workstream we are offering a series of action learning sets so you can develop or start working on a specific area within a supportive environment facilitated by Partners in Care and Health. If you would like to send expressions of interests, please send to: 

To register, please click on the link below:

Lunch and Learn Toolkit Launch

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