Children’s Conference and Celebration event 23/24
Safeguarding Conference 2023
Our main conference includes the projects the schools will undertake with support from their chosen champions; professionals from Manchester who will guide and support the schools to fulfil their projects.
The following presentation shows the work they will undertake and a video of the celebration conference help the year previous.
2022/23 Projects and Outcomes
- St. Agnes CE Primary: Spreading the message of the Peace Mala. Supported to organise city-wide event against hate crime, held at Gorton Monastery, as part of National Hate Crime week.
- St. Catherine’s RC Primary: Development of Internet Safety hub for Parents. Hosted on MSP website. 2,795 people have accessed the hub and training delivered to 587 parents via workshops, with more planned for this academic year.
- Pupil Parliament (Beaver Road, Haveley Hey, St. Mary’s, The Willows): Design and development of Mental Health Toolkit. Will be launched via MFT later as part of World Mental Health Day in October
- Chorlton High: Responding to child-on-child abuse. Identification of issues for schools and other public bodies (including MSP) to consider in order to tackle and respond, through consultation with young people.
Celebration Event 2024
The celebration event follows on from the main conference, one year on. It encapsulates all the work the schools have done on their projects and displays them with a range of professionals and leaders from Manchester attending.
Areas covered involved:
Sexual Harassment, Bullying, Digital Safeguarding and the Cost of Living Crisis.
2024 Safeguarding Celebration Event
Latest News & Events
AFRUCA Training Course: Cultural & Religious Influences in Safeguarding Children in Black and Ethnic Communities
Violence Reduction Unit: Education Hive
How to keep your baby safe and warm this winter
Safeguarding CPD Workshops
In collaboration with GM University and Local Authority partners, Greater Manchester Social Work Academy are sharing online practice research CPD events for Social Work practitioners, students and academics across Greater Manchester. Each workshop will focus on Safeguarding issues across Children’s and Adults social work, bringing together the research and highlighting practice points Safeguarding CPD Workshops
GM Roadshow on Child Sexual Abuse – Online 6th March
Latest News & Events
AFRUCA Training Course: Cultural & Religious Influences in Safeguarding Children in Black and Ethnic Communities
Violence Reduction Unit: Education Hive
How to keep your baby safe and warm this winter
Safeguarding CPD Workshops
In collaboration with GM University and Local Authority partners, Greater Manchester Social Work Academy are sharing online practice research CPD events for Social Work practitioners, students and academics across Greater Manchester. Each workshop will focus on Safeguarding issues across Children’s and Adults social work, bringing together the research and highlighting practice points Safeguarding CPD Workshops